Strategic Importance Of Digital And Social Media Marketing

About This Course
- Introduction and Growth of Digital Marketing
- Role of Digital Marketing in Modern Day Business Models
- Case Studies of Firms Moving from Traditional to Digital Marketing
- Crafting a Digital Marketing Strategy for your Firm
The programme will be highly experiential and interactive, case studies, classroom lectures and presentations by experts from academia as well as industry.
He has authored several papers in journals of international repute including Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, International Journal of Information Management, Information Management Frontiers, and Journal of Product and Brand Management. His research work has been cited in several policy documents including Economic Survey of India and United States Library of Congress Foreign Digital Materials. He has won several research awards including the Outstanding Research on Development by Global Development Network. Designed, Conducted and Certified by IIM Calcutta IIM Calcutta is in the TOP 1 % of AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA triple accredited business schools in the world. The school is thus recognized for its academic and professional excellence throughout the world. IIMC is the first Institute from India to receive this honour.