Marketing Strategies: Ai & Digital Transformation

About This Course
- Digital Marketing & Branding for Strategic Growth
- Generative AI for Marketing & Business Innvoation
- Harnessing Generative AI
The programme will be highly experiential and interactive, case studies, classroom lectures and introduction to simulations.
Prof. SARAVANA JAIKUMAR, IIM CALCUTTA, BE (Mech, PSG Tech), MBA (Gold Medalist, Cardiff Business School, UK) and Ph.D. (IIM Ahmedabad). Saravana Jaikumar is currently a faculty with the Marketing Group at IIM Calcutta. During his tenure, he has developed and served as the incumbent director for analytics and digital marketing programmes for executives. His research work is primarily in the nexus of public policy, development and marketing. His teaching focus is on marketing analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, and digital marketing.
He has authored several papers in journals of international repute including Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, International Journal of Information Management, Information Management Frontiers, and Journal of Product and Brand Management. His research work has been cited in several policy documents including Economic Survey of India and United States Library of Congress Foreign Digital Materials
Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded with certificate from IIM Calcutta