Marketing Strategies – Traditional to Digital

About This Course
- Traditional Vs Digital Marketing
- Understanding Search Engine Marketing
- Personas for Social Media Marketing
- Social Media Marketing Strategy
The programme will be highly experiential and interactive, case studies, classroom lectures and introduction to simulations.
The programme is of special relevance to High Potential employees in middle to senior management positions across medium to large organizations. Experienced entrepreneurs are also encouraged to apply.
Prof. Saravana Jaikumar (Faculty with the Marketing Group at IIM Calcutta) BE (Mech, PSG Tech), MBA (Gold Medalist, Cardiff Business School, UK) and Ph.D. (IIM Ahmedabad). He has authored several papers in journals of international repute including Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Letters, International Journal of Information Management, Information Management Frontiers, and Journal of Product and Brand Management. His research work has been cited in several policy documents including Economic Survey of India and United States Library of Congress Foreign Digital Materials. He has won several research awards including the Outstanding Research on Development by Global Development Network.
On successful completion of the programme, the participants will be awarded certificate of participation by IIM Calcutta
IIM Calcutta’s Ranking and Accreditations
- Triple accreditations by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS
- IIM Calcutta is the only B-School in India to be a part of the prestigious CEMS. The Global Alliance in Management Education or CEMS (formerly the Community of European Management Schools and International Companies)
- IIM Calcutta has been ranked at No.2 in India and 59 Globally in the Financial Times Executive Education Ranking 2022. IIM Calcutta has secured 2nd rank amongst all B-School in India and 21st Globally, in Financial Times: Masters in Management Rankings 2020